Sunday, 17 April 2016

Clothes Drawers Upcycle

My daughters drawers were getting a little small for her hoards of clothes, well mostly Gym gear, but they are always on the floor... lol

Drawers in their original State
I was given these drawer as a friend was throwing them out due to downsizing into a smaller place.  The dark stain doesn't suit our decor.. so I pulled out the trusty chalk paint to get them into our style.
Can still have gorgeous Nails when you are painting.. lol

I took all of the knobs off. Pulled out the drawers so they would be easier to paint.  I painted the cabinet first and then painted each of the drawer fronts.

Waiting for the Paint to dry
Black knobs on the cabinet are the Perfect Finishing Touch!
My daughter was totally THRILLED with the result.  The contrast of the white and the deep stained top of the original cabinet is just Perfect!!!